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posted by: li cross on 7/14/2017

Please pray for that God can help me not to lost my salvation and my job in the Administration Wing, so that I can continue to preach the gospel (Jesus crucified), sorry and thank you, in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, A-Men.
I will pray 10 people are praying.
posted by: keijo on 5/31/2017

Help and pray you too for me in my the fight against false doctrine who not confess Jesus blood in salvation,but use own victim to save a lot place of Scanidavien,thanks for helping,bless,keijo sweden
I will pray 12 people are praying.
North Korea prison camp 2
posted by: JONGHYUK LEE on 5/29/2017

May I request second prayer about North Korea here ? About 3 months ago I asked you to pray...I was thankful for you last time.. the most concern I concerning about is that you pray for this times the people and don't pray for the people I asked last time. But they are most urgent ,and I want you to pray for them again...(the pregnant women,forced to abortioned by kicking belly,abortion operations ,by Korean-seasaw on her belly,by force labor, by longtime giving shape of the 'hands of the clocks' ,by force injection,by directly by knives of officials, and 'smashing their belly with lumber of officials'...And fetuses, And disable,disable babies..(dragged to '49th ward' used as guinea pig), and small children (12 hours labor,night beaten by other adult prisoners and eating mouse head remnant),and massacres involving UN Security council commission to all people...for still I have no exact information renewed,, and this time is for ... - The Human experimentation process - Inside the North Korea prison camp,prisoners are used to a chemical and nuclear weapon experimentation . the most refractory christians also sent to the place of human experimentation process.- -the Summary executions inside the North Korea prison camp-.. Each night, numbers of people called to receive summary execution ...the decision is made only by some soldiers secretly, and they are executed by squeezing neck by big soldiers -Public executions inside North Korea- Up to 30 family members executed at once , Sometimes shooting distance is close as prisoners blood is splash to soldiers clothes.. -Prisoners used as a martial art training toy- Prisoners are used as training toys of the North Korea special forces , tied up to trees, beaten by well known North Korea special forces -Prisoners used as a surgery toys-.. Do surgery exercise only putting dirty towels on their mouth,without any anesthesia,women are dead so pathetically..,because there exist sexual mischief -Orphans of North Korea- They are tortured inside the North Korea prison camp, because they crossed the border illegally-to beg food,they are dying for severe malnutritions and diseases, some of them are raised by chinese riches to receive human organ extraction... More google images https://www.google.co.kr/search?q=%EB%B6%81%ED%95%9C+%EC%A0%95%EC%B9%98%EB%B2%94+%EC%88%98%EC%9A%A9%EC%86%8C&newwindow=1&biw=1280&bih=629&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ei=jmIyVdm0BYPMmwWQtIHQCg&ved=0CAcQ_AUoAg, Thank you, for our peoples behalf, Address: 801,1603Dong,LH Samsong Apt.,Wonheung-dong,Deogyang-gu,Goyang-si,Gyeonggi-do,Korea Phone : 82-70-4236-3835 Email : chocoshake2001@hotmail.com
I will pray 11 people are praying.
miracles for healing relationship
posted by: nn on 5/7/2017

heavenly father, help me, You knows my pain, You always know what was happened because You see everything a most hidden corner though God knows , I come with a broken heart, Father, You knows how long I have waited a reconcilitation and restore relations for me and him. God if you deign, please God soften and touch damianus aditya christie heart for me. I can’t touch his heart but Lord you can. please bless those who hate me, don't let their hatred on I made them proud. Show me your way, Lord; teach me your paths. you are God my Savior, and my hope is in you all day long. please make this miracle happen for me
I will pray 14 people are praying.
posted by: on 4/12/2017

I will pray 11 people are praying.
posted by: on 3/16/2017

My friend has been dabbling in the occult and is very paranoid. Please pray.
I will pray 15 people are praying.
North Korea prison camp
posted by: JONGHYUK LEE on 2/22/2017

May I request prayer on here? Please pray for the North Korea's four types of peoples 1) Pregnant women who fall into the north korean prison camp, by force abortioned by kicking belly, by force abortion operations , by opening bellies directly by knives of officials (like people of Ammon did to child in Gilead) , by Neolttwigi(like Korean-seasaw) on her belly by other two prisoners , by force labor, by longtime giving shape of the 'hands of the clocks' which official ordered (until fetus is dropped with blood discharge) , by force injection to her abdomen, and please also pray for me about 'smashing their belly with lumber of officials'... 2) And fetuses in her .. which should die without any resistance 3) And disables,and disable babies who should forced to carry ' 49th ward ' (also some of them sent to North Korea concentration camp slave labor), killed and used as a guinea pig 4) And Small children , everyday suffering 12 hours hard ((coal mine)) labor, night beaten by other adult prisoners , night sleep at a square meter toilet because they have no power,eating mouse head remnant which adult prisoners have eaten and remained (because they only have 600g corn for food per a day) more informations please watch the Youtube below , Thank you. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vasmLxi_2Ew (In addition lately we have some information from faithful sources that because *these concentration camp is submitted to the United Nations Security Council so Kim Jong-un is genociding the people inside North Korea prison camp, so please pray for me that Kim Jong-un stop genocide the people inside the North Korea prison camps) Address : ..801,1603Dong,LH Samsong Apt.,669,Wonheung-dong,Deogyang-gu,Goyang-si,Gyeonggi-do,Korea
I will pray 15 people are praying.
posted by: Clifford on 1/23/2017

Im asking for prayer for a loved one, her name is Reena i guess it feels as if my prayers aren't being heard by God although i know they are, please pray that she softens her heart so She is receptive to God And that he opens her eyes to what is happening and distracting her from Him. I know only God can do this and hoping for a supernatural move. Thank you for your prayers.
I will pray 17 people are praying.
Job Success
posted by: Jonathan Ashbeck on 11/5/2016

I have been working at my current job but it has been slowing down since after Labor Day because it is a small business so please pray so that I may find a second job on days when I am not working at my current job.
I will pray 26 people are praying.
miracles for touch heart
posted by: josephin on 8/11/2016

Father, please help me, You knows my pain, You always know what was happened. You see everything, i came with a broken heart. I need You, i can't cover this any longer, too hard to breathe, i'm desperate. Please forgive me, please forgive my sin and his sin too. Father, You knows how long i have waited, please don't leave me. i am still waiting for the miracle to come. Please help me, He swore over the name of the Father to cover up the truth, please God soften his heart. I can't touch his heart but Lord can be, Please touch damianus aditya christie heart for me. I always try to strong, but to be honest i was hurt very deeply. Please help me God, I put the disappointments, pain and my whole hope in Your hands, please giving miracles for me.
I will pray 23 people are praying.
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