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posted by: many on 6/4/2019

Please pray for Jay and Lima that God will help them in these areas now and lifelong: (1) their relationship with Jesus, each other, their kids and grandkids, co-workers and all (2) protection, health, safety (3) that God will bring people into their lives to help them, that will help them as they are facing impossible difficulties and more than one area (4) that God will protect and build their love for each other that they have had for decades, and that God will not allow the problems the face or other people to interfere with their love for each other (5) THAT God will help them breakthrough successfully and peacefully and unified in all marriage issues they are facing, both the good things and bad things (6) that God will increase the Presence and work of the Holy Spirit in them AND really help them progress forward into God’s purposes for their lives, in every part of their lives (7) for unshakable peace that never goes away (8) that God will help their kids and grandkids to somehow make a real and right connection to Jesus AND also help their kids to stop making very bad decisions and harmful lifestyle choices. Pray their kids will stop cursing at them and stop being cruel and vengeful. The kids were spoiled and in trouble from high school and even now, years later. Pray God will deliver the kids from reckless partying, drunkenness, drugs, reckless sexual activities. These grown children NEED God to rescue them, pray God will rescue them NOW, and help them to not be able to go on in destructive and dangerous living, and bring them to come to know Jesus (9) pray God will protect Jay and Lima’s hearts and minds from putting pressure on themselves that is unnecessary and that God will protect them from all confusion and from feeling obligated to things they are not obligated to(10) and pray for Jay, Lima, their descendants, and their older parents, their siblings and families and all their people, that God will help all of them Spiritually, mentally, emotionally, financially, with God’s purposes for their lives and in ALL other areas of life (11) pray also for me and Belo that God will protect and guide us, give us help with every day life issues, help our kids serve Jesus and not get lost in the wrong way, and help all our families in all possible ways and help ALL of us in ALL areas of our lives too. (12) Pray God will presently and endlessly send the Holy Spirit down to move in great love and supernatural power into the hearts, minds, spirits and souls of all people in and from the United States, Argentina, Islas Malvinas, the UK, the EU, Australia and the whole world. thank you
I will pray 4 people are praying.
prayer request
posted by: li cross on 6/1/2019

Prayer request : Sorry, please pray for that not to lost my job in the Administration Wing to preach the gospel in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, A-men.
I will pray 1 person is praying.
Deliverance Prayer
posted by: courtney on 5/15/2019

LORD Almighty; I ask to pray in Spirit; as your Son is My Shepard The One that walked within flesh on this earth, we ask first as it is WRITTEN: we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness. Please forgive the ones we are aware of and the ones we are unaware of. As Jesus said “son you are forgiven”. I pray that You send Your anointed angels over Christian Ray Fuller with God’s Armor; “the belt of truth, the breastplate of righteousness, the shoes of the gospel of peace, the shield of faith, the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit” to protect him as he is on his journey in life. My Heavenly Father bless him with Your Grace of the Holy Spirit and have Mercy on his soul as he is a child of God the Omega, Alpha and the Almighty. “Holy, Holy, Holy, is the LORD Almighty, who was and who is, and who is to come.” Please wrap Your loving arms around him and fill his heart, mind, body, soul and spirit with Your ever-lasting Love, Joy, Hope, Peace, Self-control, (For God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control) and to deliver him of what he is carrying and attached to him as it is WRITTEN: Arise, O Lord! Deliver me, O my God! Smite all my enemies on the cheek, Break the teeth of the wicked. Deliverance belongs to the Lord; thy blessing be upon thy people! O LORD the creator of heaven and earth and Christ Jesus that walked in flesh; For Jesus said to him “I am the Way, and the Truth, and the Life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.” I thank You for all Your Love, Mercy, Grace and Blessings as all things through Christ Jesus who strengthens us as He was crucified on the cross and resurrected to give us enteral life through the blood of our heavenly Father Jesus Christ. "To him who sits on the throne and to the Lamb be praise and honor and glory and power, for ever and ever!" In the name of Christ Jesus, I pray Amen
I will pray 3 people are praying.
posted by: Magdalena Lovejoy on 5/14/2019

please pray that I am set free and delivered with my son Eledaa Zechariah Beniel Kamphuijs and given God's love and healing and send the enemy away and save Mark Lemke's soul and save Jhana Maya Dinunzio's and family soul, she is mean, and stop the abduction of myself and son and send away the python spirit and help me surrender to Christ deeper in my path with Christ and save Dr. Luc Brisson's soul. Dr. Magdalena Angelica Lovejoy
I will pray 5 people are praying.
posted by: on 3/21/2019

Patrice Mickins and family for healing through this difficult time she is experiencing. Give her strength
I will pray  
posted by: Magdalena Lovejoy on 3/20/2019

please pray that the evil spirit of abduction, abuse, and hatred and jealousy named Mary Harmandayan, Gino Pascole, and Paul Bernardo leave my mind and I am healed in my mind, and my family is healed and set free from all evil, so please deliver us from evil. Magdalena Lovejoy
I will pray 1 person is praying.
posted by: Kolyo Kolev on 12/6/2018

Hello, Prayer Warriors of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ! I am now 32 years old. Since the age of 3, I have not seen anything else, but violence!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Please, pray for me, my sister and my mother. Me and my mother lived with one of the most abusive fathers and husbands in the whole world for more than 20 years. We were tortured for more than 20 years by one of the most abusive and Satanic persons on Earth. We were abused and tortured with tortures and abuses only people in the Middle East, Iraq and Siria know, for more than 20 years ... We lived with one of the most abusive people on this planet, only GOD knows HOW for 20 years, day by day, hour by hour ... He was getting drunk for more than 6 months in a row and drunk more than 8 bottles of alcohol per day. We had to live with him, because we were forced to, he was THRETEANING US, me and my mother that HE WOULD KILL US, if we don't, for 20 years. He was threatening us that he WOULD KILL US, he was threatening that he would kill my mother, if she did not live and stay with him. Even after the divorce, HE managed to RAPED HER continually. I DO NOT KNOW how I survived for so long. Only a Jihaddist would do WHAT HE DID TO US, ME AND MY MOTHER! What we lived throuh and came throuh in 2 decades, only God and people in the Middle East know .............. NOW HE DOES THIS TO MY SISTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Now he manipulated my sister by calling her 20-30 times per day to go and live with him; Then he applied for parental rights in court and now wants to take custody and parental rights over my 15 year old sister. She was naive enough to believe him, because she has not seen HIS REAL FACE! Please, pray that she SEES HIS REAL FACE and that the courts on Earth hear the voice of Heaven and cancel this unfair case in the name of JESUS! PRAY THAT GOD OPENS THE EYES OF MMY SISTER AND PRAY THAT HE OPENS THE EYESE OF THE JUDGE FOR THAT CASE SO THAT IT IS CLOSED TO THE WILL OF GOD, IN JESUS NAME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I myself have been fasting for more than 200 days until now. My blood is not red anymore, it is orange! My urine turned to blue at moments. I fasted for 7 months this year between morning and dawn, I fasted for months the last year and years before, all my life, I have been faithful. PRAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! PRAY HARD FOR US!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I will pray  
A small cloud of Mount Carmel (A praise report for concentration camps of North Korea)
posted by: JONGHYUK LEE on 8/25/2018

Hi,I have requested prayer for North Korea,by our prayer,on 18 July 2018 North Korean government has allowed families of prisoners visit prisoners (also later once by month) and put outside food (outside families have bought/brought) into prisoners. http://www.ichannela.com/news/main/news_detailPage.do?publishId=000000103319&cateCode=0005&subCateCode=000502 (Channel A, one of the biggest journal of Republic of Korea) According to the news even prison officers (satanic face) cried on phone call with families of prisoners, to families saying (Hurry,come and see,your family is really really in critical condition) In South Korea,scholars studying North Korea or Human Rights are seeing the concentration camps will liberated after some process. About the big picture, About February 2018 period of Pyeongchang Olympic,Kim Jong-un by Moon Jae-in has expressed to Trump, he would like to obey and open economy/border like Deng Xiaoping did in China.(Also obey denuclearization,opening the concentration camps).US-North Korean governments are calling each other everyday,they would like to move step by step. Later on this path (maybe could be a long path..) when crucial change or liberation has come,I will give you the notice. (And lastly...my friends,by these days Korean peninsula is appearing abnormal temperature, over 40 degrees centigrade weather is continuing,This for pregnant women,at force labor field,disables in 49th ward a lot casualties should appear,would you please pray to save them at least until 1st,September. (For according to Korean lunar calendar,every year temperature drops after 1th September (21th,Seventh Month on Korean lunar calendar) Thank you for your prayer. From JONGHYUK LEE from Republic of Korea
I will pray 4 people are praying.
deliverance from witch craft/satanic influence/alcoholic addiction
posted by: joshua joshua on 7/1/2018

(From INDIA) I beg you ,kindly pray for my son Mr. Divya that delivered from addiction drinking alocohol daily and have no desire for it. My daughter- in- law Mrs. Reena was converted from hindu religion and both are in the church ministry. Their life becomes started worse and my daugter in law was said by doctors no hope for children. we could not understand why, because earlier she was so healthy. please pray for them for healing and any demonic or witch craft pray for my son to come for full time ministry. Please pray for me (Joshua and my wife )for my family’s financial needs. [
I will pray 5 people are praying.
Prayer request to stop spiritual torment and abuse by Evil
posted by: Magdalena Lovejoy on 6/23/2018

Hello Pastor, Can you please pray for me, as I sense an evil spirit trying to harm me. I have thoughts that I will be kidnapped, or murdered, so there is a predator or sinister spirit somewhere in my life. I have seen visions of evil, like a Python snake, a tiger, and sharks, all that want to kill and eat me. Can you also pray for my son, Zechariah Beniel who needs to know God, feel the love of God and love me again and be healed in his mind, and for Seth Kamphuijus and Rob Vantyghem who needs to be lifted up and healed. Can you pray that I will be set free, healed, and God needs my mind's eye not to die. Can you send angels of love? I fear for my life and I feel terrfying things are happening since I was imperfect and sinned. Can you wash me clean, renew my mind and restore my soul and spirit? Blessings in Christ, Magda www.magdalenalovejoy.ca
I will pray 10 people are praying.
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